Friday, 28 October 2016


I got better in my speed and and better in accuracy and here is my kiwi kids news quiz here are the ones I got wrong in the quiz number 2 is the one I wrong an the right answer is trampoline and number 3 one I got  wrong but the   right answer is taranaki  and number 4 the one I got wrong but the right one is kiwi and the last one I got wrong is 6 but the  right answer is snapchat 

Literacy Reflection T4W3

For  my group author purpose  we had to read 3 pieces of writing and then we had 3 words that described types of writing. Then I had to decide what pieces of writing fit in the 3 words. I though it was a little bit hard but I like it 

Athletics Reflection T4W3

 This Wednesday we had  athletics I had so mach fun I came 1st in my  80 meter sprints 1st in my 50 meter sprints and 2nd in my high jump and 2nd in my long jump 5 in my shot put but I not know what I got for my discus 

Topic Reflection T4W3

This week and last week we had started a new to topic and the was based on  water safety. we had 4 activities to do but One of the activities we coulden do to the end but I first all of the other activities. Here is one of my activities.