Tuesday 2 June 2015

Planet 3 Pop out

my plan

setting -  plant three pop out
characters - summer kenzie    red green yellow black
problem - we run out of fuel
solution - i get some fuel

walt 1: use link in our writing 2-3 and  paragraph
walt  2:  use full stops capitals talk markes

Oh no! kenzie we have run fuel in 3 2 1 ”said summer. “wonder what plant we land on”said summer  “the three plant to sun”said kenzie Oh no its the jumping plant that mean in 10 hours they turn into flowers and the flowers turn  into fuel.

as soon as we got the flower they just die that we must of pick the wrong flower  kenzie oh no now we have to wait 10 more hours!!!!!!
this is very annoying.

finally 10 hour are up  got the right fuel been there for ages gave red green black yellow a present
the End

1 comment:

  1. hi summer
    That's a cool story i like the part were you chose the wrong flower and waited 10 hours



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